Thank you for visiting our new Internet site.
We are currently under construction, but soon we will provide you with answers to frequently asked questions and some useful web addresses including IRS websites, etc.
Income tax season is upon us. Remember, when you use a CPA for your tax requirements, you are getting an individual with extensive training in federal and state regulations regarding taxes, deductions, etc. Only with a CPA do you have the confidence that the person preparing your taxes actually knows and understands the tax regulations and how they apply to you. If you have taxes prepared by a "chain company" the person you are entrusting your legal tax obligations to may not know much more than how to operate the software their particular company uses. Before you hire that person to do your taxes, ask them what qualifications they have and whether they assist you in your communications with the IRS if there are problems with your return. You wouldn't let a plumber take out your appendix, why would you let an unqualified person handle one of your most stressful issues..your taxes?
Please make an appointment early, this gives us time to review your information, prepare your return, and make required changes should additional information be received before the filing deadlines. Individual or Corporate, you are important to us!